Transitioning from college or your early career to the right job is a major challenge. Campus2Career Transition Services can help. C2C assists the client to move from confused to employed.
Since our inception in 2009, we have found that the elements of a challenging job market have evolved into the “new normal” of the job search in 2014. The characteristics of our clients remain the same: bright, eager to be productive, well-qualified, and with high standards. These young men and women simply run afoul of a job market which promotes anonymity over personal contact, requires on-line applications that receive computer-generated acknowledgements if one is lucky, uses algorithms and key words for initial follow up, and finally, relies on selection criteria that are often mysterious and inconsistent.
The results of this situation manifest themselves in several ways: disappointment and discouragement by the graduate; dismay by the parents that the high tuition they have paid doesn’t yield more personal attention from the college or employers; and a sense of frustration that the young adult will have to settle for “anything” (meaning underemployment at a commensurately low salary) just to get a job. Add to this scenario student loan debt, and the start to a productive professional career and decent living standard seem elusive. Campus2Career Transition Services will help you identify your ideal career path and land your all-important first job on that path through our customized, six-phase program.
Our clients reside throughout the United States and seek employment in the U.S. and abroad. By working with the Campus2Career team, clients learn how to market themselves on paper, via the telephone, and in person. The end result is one of life-long value creation: our clients are equipped with the skills necessary to succeed throughout their career.
What makes us different from other career counseling firms?
Together the C2C coach and the client develop a process and a framework for college graduates to work within in order to move into the right career. Our six-phase program delivers a complete solution, including assessment and identification of an ideal career path, job search coaching, interviewing, negotiating and accepting an offer, and ongoing career consulting. Our engagement doesn’t end until our clients land their ideal job.
A quick Google search will reveal a blizzard of competing job search support services. Most offer a menu of items to pick and choose from: résumé help, networking advice, job boards, assessments, and more. What they do not offer are results: employment in your field of choice (even if you don’t know what your “field of choice” is yet!). Don’t take our word for it — check out our testimonials from happily employed clients and their relieved parents.