Campu2Career is proud to partner with the following companies and organizations, all of which share in our mission to assist young people.
The Bertram Group
For over 20 years, The Bertram Group has helped families find schools and colleges where their children encounter the right balance of challenge andencouragement to achieve their maximum potential. They help families find the right educational “fit†for their child. Again and again, they hear from families and colleagues that their knowledge, integrity, compassion, and ability to understand people and places have made a tremendous difference in children’s lives.
Unlike some firms, The Bertram Group limits the number of families with whom they work at any one time, so that they can consistently provide the most attentive, personal service to each family. They work across the educational continuum, often with families seeking their services at each stage of a child’s school career.
The Bertram team brings to their work a variety of career and life experiences—all revealing a lifetime passion for serving young people. Each consultant brings a specialization and unique expertise to the advisory process. This gives their team a depth and breadth to advise families on the full range of educational needs and goals.
The Posse Foundation
Posse is one of the most comprehensive and renowned college access and youth leadership development programs in the United States. Founded in 1989, Posse identifies public high school students with extraordinary academic and leadership potential who may be overlooked by traditional college selection processes. Posse extends to these students the opportunity to pursue personal and academic excellence by placing them in supportive, multicultural teams—Posses—of 10 students. Posse partner colleges and universities award Posse Scholars four-year, full-tuition leadership scholarships.
For 25 years, Posse partner colleges and universities have welcomed Posse Scholars onto their campuses. They have awarded an incredible $688 million in leadership scholarships to these young people and have seen their success not only as leaders on campus, but in these students’ 90 percent persistence and graduation rate. Posse’s partners are investing time, energy and resources in the promotion of equity in education and social justice. They believe in the intelligence, talent and dreams of young people who might not always show up on their radar screens, and are giving them a chance to excel.