The Campus2Career® Discover Program
C2C Discover is a limited program, lasting twelve weeks, which provides the client with a broad tutorial about the job search process as well as the specific skills needed to be successful in finding the right fit for meaningful employment. Each client is paired with a C2C mentor, who helps the client identify a career path and then work on the self branding, i.e. the résumé and the interviewing skills, that are needed for this role and industry.
This option is excellent for recent college graduates who need the structure and discipline that a mentor can provide and who also have the focus and the motivation to work independently with the skills learned after three months.
Clients selecting this program have the option to expand into the C2C Sixâ€Phase program if and when desired.
Specific Deliverables of the C2C Discover Program:
- Completion of multiple assessments of skills, traits, style, motivators, strengths, needs and preferences. Feedback session led by C2C industrial psychologist.
- Assigned a C2C mentor who, with the client, puts together a personalized strategy plan for the client to prepare for the job search process. Interaction with mentor is limited to weekly sessions for a period of twelve weeks.
- A total of two consultation sessions with C2C Principals Frank Schroeder and Gretchen Cooper Athas, as needed, along the process.
- Translating feedback to potential career paths/teaching career paths – including assessment of educational requirements, previous work experience, values clarification, barriers to entry and possible compensation.
- Thorough résumé review/re-do of résumé with C2C résumé expert involving an Initial Review and Feedback Session.
- Identifying target function, industry and geography, and prioritizing each; teaching how to research each using career related resources, including on-line tools, books and articles.
- Identifying a tight personal brand statement/pitch that differentiates our client from others who are seeking the same type of work.
- Informational Interview with one member of the C2C Board of Advisors.
- Coaching on how to ask for, and then conduct a networking/informational interview session, including professional appearance and conduct, developing insightful questions for the meeting, etc.
- Coaching on how to conduct proper follow up on an ongoing basis and how to grow your network.
- A mock telephone interview conducted by C2C job interview expert.
- Coaching on salary negotiations, benefits, etc.