An Open Letter to Recent College Graduates and Their Parents about “The New Normal” in Job Search.

This article first appeared in print in Forest & Bluff, Hinsdale Living, and Sheridan Road Magazines.  For a copy of the original letter, please click here

While it’s easy to point to our still weak economy and other factors as culprits, we believe there’s a structural change involved in today’s job search which now makes the process even more challenging, frustrating and disheartening for the graduate, parents and employers alike.

For graduates and parents the new normal reflects the negative aspect of an uncertain and unstructured career path. After four years of expensive formal education, a child returns home and applies for jobs online to little or no avail; pressure mounts to “find something”, tensions boil over, frustration sets in … the cycle repeats and builds.

Yet companies are hiring and are frustrated themselves by candidates who seem ill prepared for the rigors of job applications and interviewing. Overworked HR departments tell us they often have to settle for the least weak applicant, hardly an ideal career start for either party.

Campus2Career consultants and advisory board members understand this problem of the “new normal”, and know how to deal with it. We thoroughly prepare our clients for today’s job search process. Clients discover what they want to do, for whom and where. They learn how to market themselves on paper, via the telephone and in person. End result: our clients are highly valued and sought after by organizations.

The response from families in the North Shore and elsewhere in the United States has been gratifying. More importantly, however, the results our clients have experienced have been exceptional – each has landed the right job to begin his/her desired working career.

Please visit our website,, or call 312.343.5593 to learn more about us and our process. This is the first step to landing the right job in the “new normal.”